According to Fact and Figures, home insurance contract rates are expected to increase by another 1% to 2% on average this year. So many reasons to choose his contract. Our explanations to help you make your choice.

Is home insurance mandatory?

 As a tenant, yes. For an owner, no. However, it is very risky not to cover your home. Very few are the owners to venture there. It remains to know which coverage to choose: mutual, private insurance.

How much does average home insurance cost you?

Unlike auto insurance, there are no third party formulas or any risk. As an example, according to the comparator, an apartment costs about 166 Euros per year to insure and a house 298 Euros. Note that if you take out insurance online, you can achieve between 20% and 30% of comparable service savings, “The day a disaster occurs, on the other hand, it will be necessary to be satisfied with a simple hotline to communicate with your insurer. Small prices also have their disadvantages, “he adds.


Thinking about choosing your car insurance is a good idea! But the most important thing is to check several important points before taking out insurance: details of guarantees, amount of deductibles or driver’s insurance. Also, it is essential to play the competition by multiplying quotes before signing your insurance contract. However, car insurance is a complicated product to compare because each fare is unique, specific to the vehicle and its driver. So do not burn the essential steps before the subscription.

insurance agency newark de

Define your auto insurance needs

To choose your car insurance, it is necessary to orient your choice about your profile. That is, the auto insurance policy varies according to your age. The reasons are more related to the effects of age when underwriting.

Your insurance needs according to your vehicle

If you have a very recent or high-value vehicle, opt for the all-risk car insurance, which will cover all the damages of your vehicle. On the other hand, if you have an older used vehicle, you do not need to be too careful and subscribe to several guarantees. Third-party insurance is enough to choose your car insurance. It is well-advised to the most limited budgets.

Your insurance needs according to your displacements

If you make insurance agency newark de a few trips, you can opt for kilometer insurance. This insurance will be more interesting for you who move less. It will offer you the same guarantees as conventional insurance. Some contracts require putting a GPS in your car to control the number of kilometers traveled. Also, other insurers offer packages where the number of kilometers is controlled per year.

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